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VIP Account
Product Description  
30 VIP Days (20 points)
Add 30 days of Diamond VIP in your account.

Items VIP
Product Description  

Diamond Backpack (4 points)
36 slots and drunk immunity.

Diamond Amulet (15 points)
Arm 500, ML +5, red/black skull amulet and 80% level protection.

Diamond Broken Amulet (20 points)
Arm 500, ML +5, 5% protecion all, red/black skull amulet, 85% level protection.

Diamond Protection Amulet (30 points)
Arm 500, ML +5, 10% protecion all, red/black skull amulet, 90% level protection.

Diamond Helmet (10 points)
Arm 500, axe skill +5 and protection all +7%.

Diamond Armor (10 points)
Arm 500, club skill +5 and protection all +7%.

Diamond Legs (10 points)
Arm 500, sword skill +5 and protection all +7%.

Diamond Boots (10 points)
Arm 500, distance skill +5, protection all +10%, reflect all +25% and speed +100.

Diamond Shield (10 points)
Def 500 and protection all +10%.

Diamond Exp Ring (15 points)
Arm 500 and EXP +400%.

Diamond Protection Ring (25 points)
Arm 500 and protection all +7%.

Diamond Heal Staff (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) and converts part of the damage to healing. Works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Curse Staff (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) and small chance to make the target cursed for 5 turns losing 10% of the total health. Works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Stun Staff (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) and small chance of making the target immobilized for 3 seconds. Works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Axe (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) physical and fire. Don't works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Sword (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) physical and energy. Don't works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Hammer (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) physical and ice. Don't works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Blowgun (20 points)
Area damage (3x3) physical and poison. Don't works with the Focus Rune.

Diamond Vip Pass (20 points)
Add 30 days of Diamond VIP in your character.

Product Description  

Ice Backpack (1 points)
24 slots.

Ice Amulet (2 points)
Arm 200, ML +2, red/black skull protection and 65% level protection.

Ice Turban (2 points)
Arm 200, axe skill +2 and protection all +3%.

Ice Robe (2 points)
Arm 200, club skill +2 and protection all +3%.

Ice Legs (2 points)
Arm 200, sword skill +2 and protection all +3%.

Ice Boots (2 points)
Arm 200, distance skill +2, protection all +3% and speed +30.

Ice Shield (2 points)
Def 200 and protection all +3%.

Ice Exp Ring (3 points)
Arm 200 and EXP +250%.

Ice Sword (2 points)
Ice area damage (3x3)

Revolution Backpack (2 points)
28 slots.

Revolution Amulet (4 points)
Arm 300, ML +3, red/black skull protection and 70% level protection.

Revolution Helmet (3 points)
Arm 300, axe skill +3 and protection all +4%.

Revolution Armor (3 points)
Arm 300, club skill +3 and protection all +4%.

Revolution Legs (3 points)
Arm 300, sword skill +3 and protection all +4%.

Revolution Boots (3 points)
Arm 300, distance skill +3, reflect all +15% and speed +40.

Revolution Shield (3 points)
Def 300 and protection all +4%.

Revolution Exp Ring (6 points)
Arm 300 and EXP +300%.

Revolution Staff (6 points)
Area damage (3x3), death and works with Focus Rune.

Lunar Staff (6 points)
Area damage (3x3), energy and works with Focus Rune.

Super Staff (6 points)
Area damage (3x3), ice and works with Focus Rune.

Excalibur (6 points)
Area damage (3x3), fire and works with Focus Rune.

Golden Vip Pass (10 points)
Add 30 days of Golden VIP in your character.

Platinum Amulet (6 points)
Arm 400, ML +4, red/black skull protection and 75% level protection.

Platinum Backpack (3 points)
32 slots.

Platinum Helmet (5 points)
Arm 400, axe skill +4 and protection all +5%.

Platinum Armor (5 points)
Arm 400, club skill +4 and protection all +5%.

Platinum Legs (5 points)
Arm 400, sword skill +4 and protection all +5%.

Platinum Boots (5 points)
Arm 400, distance skill +4, reflect all +20% and speed +50.

Platinum Shield (5 points)
Def 400 and protection all +5%.

Platinum Exp Ring (10 points)
Arm 400 and EXP +350%.

Platinum Staff (10 points)
Area damage (3x3), energy and works with Focus Rune.

Throwing Knife (10 points)
Area damage (3x3), fire and works with Focus Rune.

Platinum Vip Pass (15 points)
Add 30 days of Platinum VIP in your character.

Aegis Coin (5 points)
5000 aegis coins.

Aegis Coin (25 points)
25000 aegis coins.

Aegis Coin (50 points)
50000 aegis coins.

Account Additional
Product Description  
Change Name (15 points)
Change the character name

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