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Character Information
Profession:Dark Lord
Marital status:single
Last login:13 November 2023, 11:48 pm
Vip Status:Free Character

Player Health: 215031600/215031600
Player Mana:174726300/174726300
Player Level:2688020
Player Experience:240848304217231 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 3.2370203447724E+20 EXP to Level 2688021.

9 Nov 2023, 23:57 Died at level 2715172 by Lasthope Martyr, Lord Realistr, Supernova, Pox Eremes and by Shocking Avatar..
9 Nov 2023, 16:46 Killed at level 2218027 by Prepas, Lasthope Martyr, Lord Realistr, Supernova and by Shocking Avatar..
9 Nov 2023, 03:16 Killed at level 2212976 by Prepas..
5 Nov 2023, 21:58 Died at level 2160167 by Lasthope Martyr, Pox Eremes, Supernova, Shocking Avatar and by Lord Realistr..
5 Nov 2023, 21:46 Killed at level 2171767 by Avantasia, Supernova, Lasthope Martyr, Pox Eremes, Shocking Avatar and by Lord Realistr..

Frags List
9 Nov 2023, 23:16 He fragged Rafael Bk at level 882106. (Justified)
5 Nov 2023, 21:42 He fragged Avantasia at level 1669405. (Justified)
30 Oct 2023, 02:49 He fragged Matando Asaudade at level 2368107. (Unjustified)
30 Oct 2023, 01:50 He fragged Matando Asaudade at level 2371066. (Unjustified)
26 Oct 2023, 14:25 He fragged Seila at level 4085487. (Justified)
25 Oct 2023, 20:04 He fragged Marijuana Ganja at level 1978699. (Justified)
25 Oct 2023, 11:52 He fragged Marijuana Ganja at level 1540773. (Justified)
25 Oct 2023, 09:50 He fragged Marijuana Ganja at level 1555909. (Justified)
25 Oct 2023, 00:00 He fragged Marijuana Ganja at level 1705838. (Justified)
24 Oct 2023, 23:14 He fragged Marijuana Ganja at level 1721768. (Justified)

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