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The Justice Seekers

Guild Information
Almejamos a paz e o equilíbrio no ot para que todos possam se divertir. Entretanto, a mesma mão que afaga, também marreta. Somos firmes e irredutíveis no combate aos abusadores.

Esta é a Guild The Justice Seekers.

~Desde 2012

The guild was founded on Rozinx on Jan 16 2023.
It is currently active.

Guild Members
Rank [sort] Name and Title Vocation [sort] Level [sort] Status
Presidente Chuckdam (#2) Singularity 21017525 offline
Paladingo (#1) Singularity 10004137 offline
Vice-Presidente Kendrick Singularity 21018150 offline
Ministro Hellmans (Devagar e Sempre) Soberanyan Zealot 13851160 offline
Kanna Angel Zealot 14994832 offline
Kinadinga Eternity Zealot 12998508 offline
Thunder Qral Angel Zealot 15018035 offline
Yuria Singularity 16892960 offline
Servidor Broken Lantern Soberanyan Zealot 7607011 offline
Estagiario Baby Elemental Warrior 5870746 offline

Invited Characters
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