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Murder Inc

Guild Information
Quests e parceria.
Fundada em 24/12/2023!

The guild was founded on Rozinx on Dec 24 2023.
It is currently active.

Guild Members
Rank [sort] Name and Title Vocation [sort] Level [sort] Status
Leader Chrollo Angel Zealot 8715511 offline
Luanel Soberanyan Zealot 9257983 offline
Vice-Leader Otelo Elemental Warrior 5274763 offline
Member Fubekinha Dark Lord 3951798 offline
Morte Addicted Zealot 1154829 offline
Piloto Elemental Warrior 3047748 offline
Shampoo Dark Follower 323158 offline
Shaolin Addicted Zealot 724927 offline

Invited Characters
Name Invitation Date -
Freddy Krueger
Lord Donatello

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